Thursday, September 01, 2005

NOPD Officer: Take This Job and Shove It

Channel 9 is interviewing a now former NOLA police officer--Lt. Henry Waller, of the First District--and he's, in a word, PISSED--at the police department, the city authorities, you name it. He basically said he's no longer a cop. You have to see this guy--and if I can find a transcript, I'll post it. I can only describe the two anchors as bewildered--to say they weren't expecting this would be an understatement.

Waller apparently decided to do his own version of the Johnny Paycheck classic on live television, after describing a chaotic scene in the city--between the looting and associated crime, and the lack of communication and coordination among the police. If I heard right, Waller took his police cruiser out of the city, and again, on live television, challenged the city to come and get it.

Again, I'll try to find a transcript and post it.

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